Crimson Berry Farms Arabica Noir Cherry Wine with Grape Spirits and Natural flavors, Washington NV
Crimson Berry Farms Arabica Noir Cherry Wine with Grape Spirits and Natural flavors, Washington NV
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- Washington - USA
- NV - Cherry Wine with Grape Spirits & natural flavors
- % Alc - 375 mL
Here’s a unique treat that'll have all your guests hoping for a second glass. Arabica Noir is a lusciously sweet dessert wine from Pasek Cellars in Washington State. It's crafted from fermented cherries and infused with the rich, smooth flavors of 100% Arabica coffee, vanilla and brown sugar.
Stunning on its own, delicious in coffee and even better drizzled over ice cream and brownies. We also love it with a rich chocolate ganache layer cake, but truthfully…it’ll pair well with any sweet dessert you choose to enjoy. Arabica Noir is a festive indulgence that’s sure to have everyone talking—and makes a great host gift, too. (Also nice to know: it's vegan and wheat-free.)
Limited cases to share—place a quick order today.