International Compliance Request

Kindly reply to the requests below within 14 days of receipt of reservation. To import & register this product, we will need the following:


  • BACK
  • NECK

Please provide us with Front & Back Label digital proofs before printing, so that we can ensure the labels are compliant within US regulations.

Each Label (Front, Back, Neck & Strip) is to be emailed as separate JPG or PDF files & include dimensions. 

We encourage the Back Label design to be complimentary to the artistry/artwork of the Front Label. 

Appointment Letter 

Please find the template link, located in the reservation email, for wording to be placed on producer's letterhead. We appreciate the document being signed & emailed to us as soon as possible. 


Please advise IMMEDIATELY if this brand may alerady be registered within the USA.

Thank you for your prompt response to these compliance requests.


Daisy Lisa Meriha
Product Compliance Team Imports
Lionstone International